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They're also handy when it comes to autofilling forms and syncing your data across Windows PCs and Macs, iPhones, iPads, Android phones and more.Įditors' note, Jan. It can help you seamlessly oversee and handle all of your login credentials for any online account and maintain airtight password security. Unless you want to constantly safeguard a hard-copy list of all your passwords, you might want to consider a password manager. Keeping track of all of your passwords is where a password manager comes in. Though passwords like those are easier to remember, they're also easier to hack, especially if you're using the same password for different accounts. And with password crackers more advanced than ever, you'll want to use unique passwords for every account that you have - not just your pet's name or favorite sports team. It can be difficult keeping track of all the different passwords you have.

  • Password manager service options we haven't reviewed​.
  • Other password managers worth considering​.
  • 1password buy 1password buy

    What is a password manager, and why do you need one?​.

    1password buy