Free cinema 4d educational license
Free cinema 4d educational license

free cinema 4d educational license

Here is an example to make this more clear: This is a security measure, so if you do happen to go offline, you are not immediately thrown off and have 14 days to reconnect.If for some reason the 14 days is counting down, you will start getting notifications days before there is no more time left. Only when you go offline, the 14 days will start counting down. This is nothing you need to worry about unless your machine goes offline, because every time you launch C4D or open the Cinema 4D License Manager, the clock resets to the 14-day allowed offline limit. The dates located to the right of the clock icon refer to the amount of time remaining before C4D needs to check-in or “sync” with the servers to validate the license the “Online Sync Due” date. This means you can get 14 days of use without an internet connection. It does not mean that your license will expire after 14 days. Most likely this refers to the time period before Cinema 4D needed to check with the server for license validation aka “Online Sync Due”.

Free cinema 4d educational license